Call for Abstracts

Abstract submission deadline has now expired. Contact in case of questsions.

 We welcome abstracts for 118 sessions under four main themes: 1. oceans; 2. climate and environment 3. sustainable economic developments, 4. people of the North, and 5. other. The duration and format of the presentation (oral or poster) will be decided individually by the session convener(s) and subject to accepted number of abstracts. The sessions run either 60 or 90 minutes.

Book of Sessions

All open sessions can be viewed and/or downloaded as an interactive pdf here.

This pdf shows the ‘Book of Sessions’, descriptions of each session including session title, number, convener. Sessions are listed according to the five main topics: 1. Oceans, 2. Climate and environment, 3. Sustainable economic activities, 4. People of the North and 5. Other.

Once you have found and selected the session you want to submit an abstract for, you will find that session number and title in the submission portal.


  • Abstracts must be submitted through the submission portal (see log in below)

  • Abstracts must be submitted in English.

  • Please note that we will not accept late submissions by email.

  • Notification of acceptance/rejection will be given in early February.

  • The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract and all agree to submit in prior to actual submission.

  • If accepted, the presenting authors still need to register and pay the conference fee in order to be included in the final programme.

  • The preferred presentation form is oral, but the session convener(s) reserves the right to decide upon presentation form, as the abstract could be offered as a poster presentation. The scientific value of posters would be equal to that of oral presentations.

Abstract Preparation

Please prepare the following information before you start your submission:

  • See list of sessions and select one that best fits your abstract. If you hesitate, there will be a box for comments where you can state your second choice session selection choice no. 2.

  • Abstract title – limited to 20 words. Title must appear in upper and lower case (e.g. The Arctic migration of people).

  • Affiliation and authors information. You must enter the names of all authors here - including yourself if you are an author - in the order in which you wish them to appear in the printed text. Names omitted here will not be printed in the author index or the final programme. Author(s) names must appear in upper and lower case (e.g. John C. Smith).

  • Abstract text – limited to 250 words. Abstract text should ideally include introduction, methods, results and conclusions. Tables, diagrams and references are not allowed.

  • Presentation – here you will choose your preferred means of presentation – oral, poster, or either.

  • Permission to publish – ticking this box will give us permission to publish your submission on electronic media and in hardcopy if it is accepted for presentation.

  • Author will attend – at least one author should register in full to attend and present the paper at the Conference, please acknowledge and confirm this.

  • Author Approval – finally, confirm that your submission has been approved by all authors.

Technical questions

If you need assistance, have technical or practical questions regarding the submission, please contact the appointed PCO, APRIIL Congress;