All stands are in the second-floor foyer at the Stormen Concert Hall, one of our main venues.

On this page you can see some of the exhibitors. More will be announced soon.

The Arctic Council is the leading intergovernmental forum promoting cooperation, coordination and interaction among the Arctic States, Arctic Indigenous Peoples and other Arctic inhabitants on common Arctic issues, in particular on issues of sustainable development and environmental protection in the Arctic.

Website: The Arctic Council | Arctic Council (

Every day, we energise the lives of over 170 million people worldwide. Behind it all lies 50 years of knowledge, experience and cooperation across companies and countries. We believe they hold the key to solving the energy transition, the greatest challenge of our time.

Come visit our stand on May 30th and May 31st. We look forward to having a nice conversation about our many exciting career opportunities at Equinor. Also, participate in our quiz and be in the running for some nice prizes.

Website: Equinor: energising the world, empowering people. - Equinor

Polar Educators International (PEI) is an online and real world global network of polar educators and researchers passionate about

connecting polar research, education, and the global community. 

Through our practice and our pedagogies, conference presentations, community events and professional development opportunities PEI is connecting polar research, education and the global community to engage the next generation in polar research and rise to the challenge that a changing climate will bring.

Read more about what our community of practice members do

Join our Council and take up a leadership role:

Find us on social media: @polareducators


FRAM – High North Research Centre for Climate and the Environment

Through our interdisciplinary collaboration, we create internationally leading research that contributes to the excellent management of the high north. At our stand we present our magazine Fram Forum.

The Center for Crisis Management and Collaboration at Nord University contributes to accomplishing the university’s strategies within societal safety and emergency preparedness. At the core of the center is NORDLAB – an exercise and simulator laboratory, which offers facilities for carrying out various types of exercises, practice-based research, dialogue with emergency response actors and dissemination of knowledge.

Website: Nord University

Co-ordinating and Co-designing the European Polar Research Area

EU-PolarNet 2 is the world’s largest consortium of polar research expertise and infrastructures, composed by 25 partners representing all European Member States and Associated Countries which have well-established Polar Programmes.

Website: EU-PolarNet – coordinating and co-designing the European Research Area

UiT The Arctic University of Norway is part of a unique collaboration together with four Arctic universities in Sweden and Finland, with the aim to lead the way in Arctic issues. This alliance has a signed agreement on a "Joint Arctic Agenda", where the goal is to advance and share knowledge, education, research and innovations to develop a more sustainable Arctic. Together, the universities form The Arctic Five.